Wednesday, October 08, 2003

new name, same blog

This blog has been through a few name changes since I launched it in 2000. For the first two years, it was Long Road to MBA while I'll documented the arduous process of selecting a business school and going through the application process. Then all of a sudden I was an MBA student Doing the Melbourne Thing at Melbourne Business School. For a brief, but incredibly full-on, four months in 2002, I was the Melbourne MBA in New York...

Then everything went quiet. For the best part of nine months, the blog has been sitting on standby. Regular visitors from the past would complain to me that they were tired of reading about the definition of panoply. Shadows from way back in my Darwin days have emailed me to ask me what's happening. My blog was my channel for communicating with some people. Friends have said to me "Adrian, I've got no idea what you're up to. You haven't updated your blog."

Why did I stop blogging? I think part of the answer relates to my living circumstances. The timing of my cessation of blogging coincided with the commencement of my moving in with my girlfriend (or to be technically correct; my girlfriend moving in with me). But I think the answer is also linked to the degree of uncertainty regarding what I would do for a living post-MBA.

Am I ready to start blogging again? I think the short answer is yes, but I'm not quite sure why. Perhaps the answer will emerge as I start to pull together my recent thoughts and experiences into a series of blog entries. I definitely have some interesting content up my sleeve, but we'll have to see whether most of it gets published.

I've decided to re-launch the blog under the new name, inspired by the documentary of the similar name This name provides a hint at what I'm up to from a work perspective, but also reflects the emerging status of my renewed blogging energy.

Thanks for riding out the storm with me. The ride should be smooth sailing from here on in.

Thursday, February 06, 2003

Word of the Day: panoply

[Merriam-Webster OnLine]

noun: a magnificent or impressive array (e.g. in the case of General Electric circa 1981 - "[GE] ... was in the midst of actively probing a panoply of new technology businesses.")