Tuesday, December 10, 2002

White-collar sweatshops batter young workers

[USA Today 25.11.2002]

"Nancy Collins remembers when she hit rock bottom. She was in Australia for her investment-banking job at JP Morgan, trying to seal deals on two projects at once."

She thought she could handle the stress. After all, co-workers had dubbed her previous boss the "Prince of Darkness" for making people work until 3 a.m., and she knew she was good at what she did. But then, one night after weeks of 18-hour days and constant travel, she staggered home at 7 a.m. Not to sleep. To shower. As she stood in the water, she started crying. At age 25, she was having a midlife crisis. "I started thinking, there's got to be more to life than this," she says."

As I venture back into the working world next year, I'm sure one of the questions I'll be asking myself is "Is it worth all the effort?"

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