Friday, December 26, 2008


Put on a Baz lense, and this epic / satire about cattle droving, the Stolen Generation, and the Japanese invasion in northern Australia in 1942 is thoroughly enjoyable.

Fantastic sets, amusing fake product placement (look out for Kanga Beer and Poor Fella Rum), and a clever storyline that puts the Aboriginal characters on equal footing in the hero stakes.

Brilliant casting too. Byran Brown, Jack Thompson, and David Wenham all feature in supporting roles. Hugh Jackman, as always, is brilliant to watch. Nicole Kidman is the necessary centrepiece (Nicole is to Baz what Scarlett is to Woody), perhaps lacking in depth, but who needs depth in a Baz film. Brandon Walters makes an enchanting debut as Nullah, the half-caste Aboriginal at the centre of the story.

Not quite on par with Moulin Rouge, but definitely worth your $15. Go out and see it on Australia Day.

7.5 / 10

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