Friday, February 23, 2001


Ten years later, the sequel to the incredible film Silence of the Lambs has been released. Hannibal was originally given an MA15+ rating in Australia, but after public outcry about the amount of gore and grotesqueness (* is that a word? *), the rating was upgraded to R, restricting it to audieces 18 years and older. My advice - ignore all the media attention, and go and see the movie for yourself. This is big-budget horror at its best. Anthony Hopkins is brilliant as always, and Julianne Moore acts as an adequate substitute for Jodie Foster in the role of Clarice (although she doesn't really get the accent right).

Rating: 8 out of 10

Thursday, February 15, 2001

Where is Adrian?

Hmm... haven't blogged for 12 days. What is happening to me? Are my blogging days over? Was this just a passing phase? What city am I in right now? Am I expected to blog everyday? Some people do. Would it be common courtesy for me to blog at least once a week? What if I'm not in the mood, or too busy? Can I blame my lack of blogging on the Anna Kournikova virus?

Rest assured, I'm alive and well. Had a ridiculous week last week travelling back and forth between Sydney and Melbourne twice, and finally handing in the keys to the Sydney apartment. A little more relaxed this week, gradually settling in to the life that is Melbourne. For all you die-hard aviation fans out there, don't miss the Australian Air Show at Avalon this week. Anthony's put a great preview together on his weblog.

Sunday, February 04, 2001

Requiem for a Dream

Writer/Director Darren Aronofsky's Requiem for a Dream is a fairly disturbing movie about the destructive effects of heroin and loneliness. The movie deals with the separate collapses of the lives of a mother and son in Brooklyn, NY. This is not a movie for the light-hearted. The drug use is excessive, and designed to make you think twice before heading down that path. The editing is most interesting, with repeated uses of the same footage for shoot-up sequences, and split-screen effects for conversations between people who are right next to each other anyway.

Rating: 7 out of 10.

Side note: Be sure to check out Darren Aronofsky's earlier film, Pi. Oh, and the web site for Requiem for a Dream is very clever too.
Back in Sydney...

Back in Sydney for a few days, catching up with friends, cleaning the old apartment before the lease terminates on Wednesday, and attending a training course. Busy week coming up - four flights in eight days. It's a strange feeling having two 'homes'. At some stage later in life I'd always planned to have a home/unit in the city, and a house in the country to act as a weekender and a place to telecommute from. Unfortunately, while I may be temporarily renting two properties in different cities, I only have one household worth of furniture, so there's been a lot of sleeping on couches and floors recently.

Reading Richard Branson's autobiography at the moment (Losing My Virginity). Very interesting and quite inspiring. Full review will be posted when I've finished it.