Tuesday, March 16, 2004

Ten hours in make-up

While in Singapore over the weekend, I was lucky enough to catch the Lord of the Rings Exhibition at the Singapore Science Centre. With a fairly steep entry fee of S$20 (roughly A$16), I had high expectations, but in typical LOTR style, the event delivered.

Besides the myriad of short videos to watch (most of which are probably on the extended editions of the DVDs for each movie), there was also a wide variety of costumes and weapons from the three movies. Every major character had its own individual display, and a great detail of attention was paid to explaining the background of each character and how that influenced their costume and interaction with other characters.

There was also a range of displays that provided a detailed description of the make-up, digital effects and models in the movies. Some interesting/amusing little facts that I picked up . . . did you know that? ...
  • the actor that played the Uruk-Hai Lurtz had to spend over ten hours in make-up before each day of shooting. The make-up and prosthetic artists would start on him at 10:00pm and work on him overnight while he tried to sleep in the make-up chair.

  • in the scene where the Fellowship run across the bridge in the Mines of Moria while being chased by the Balrog, all of the characters were completely digital. The filmmakers created digital versions of each character, complete with individual movement behaviour.

  • the four main hobbit character wore a new pair of prosthetic feet every days during filiming. Two thousand sets of hobbit feet were created, and each set was shredded after filming, so as to prevent a black market for hobbit feet.

Anyway, if you do get a chance, go and check it our for yourself.

LOTR - The Exhibition is in Singapore until June 4th.