Saturday, February 16, 2002

Learning Japanese

I resumed by Japanese classes at the CAE today. I'm enrolled in Japanese Module 1A: Part 2, twenty-four more hours of F2F lessons with my tutor Kaori Sato. Some of my MBA buddies think I'm insame for taking on an 'extra-curricular' activity, but I'm pretty certain I can cope with it. Besides, what's wrong with being a well-rounded individual.

I've recently come across of couple of web sites that might help in mastering the Japanese language. Try this link for Japanese (sex) slang, and this one for an innovative way to master the hiragana and katakana. (Warning: both links are a little crude in their own individual way).

Prior to my retrenchment in September last year, one of my grand plans for 2002 was to spend several weeks travelling in Japan. With my busy MBA schedule it doesn't look like I'll be able to make it there at all now. I'm going to persevere with the language though, because I definitely plan to get back to Japan one day, and who knows - maybe I'll need to use the language in business dealings post-MBA.

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