Thursday, June 20, 2002

T minus 63 days and counting...

My round the world trip and exchange at Columbia Business School, New York, is only 9 weeks away. I've now finalised most of my itinery. As I mentioned earlier, I'll be leaving on my birthday (August 23rd), and spending 6 days on the slopes in New Zealand before the long journey to Manhattan. My application for University Apartment Housing at Columbia has been approved, but I haven't yet been allocated a specific room and I still don't know what the cost will be. I'll be living in New York from August 29th through to January 3rd, and it looks like my mother and one of my closest friends may be coming to visit around Christmas / New Years. Then it's off to London for a few days, Zurich for a few more, Singapore for a final few, and final back to Melbourne around January 21st. All up - five months overseas - this will be my longest overseas trip ever.

Some much to organise for it all though - visas, MMR immunisation, insurance, logistics, accommodation, subject selection, the list goes on. Fortunately, I've been able to find an incoming exchange student to sublet my Melbourne apartment to while I'm away. It's nice to know there'll be a place to come home to after all that time away.

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