Wednesday, July 11, 2001 presents a Wireless Market Update

Anthony Hicks, a software consultant in my Sydney office, has put together a brief summary of the today's AsiaPac wireless products market.

"I think the wireless war will be won by both players working together to support Bluetooth (well in my ideal world anyway). The mobile phone becoming the modem and the PDA the access device. It also ensures that manufacturers stay within their core areas of expertise, avoiding horrible product mutations such as Motorola's Accompli which should never have been released to the market. As a consumer I still prefer to carry two separate highly functional top-notch devices rather than compromising for one, however over the next four years one of the manufacturers (maybe Nokia?) is sure to crack the ultimate single device."

I'm not sure if I'm willing to wait four years for the single device. Personally, I'm hoping for the combined phone/music/data device by 2003.

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