Thursday, January 31, 2002

Bigpond ADSL pricing changes

Telstra have modified their pricing plans for ADSL (again). Effective March 1st, my 3Gb/month account goes up from $89.00 to $94.95, an increase of more than 6%. A 1Gb plan for $76.95 has been introduced (which I may consider switching to), and there's also a 300Mb plan at $59.95/month. Considering all the benefits of ADSL - no local phone call costs, no need for a second line, "always on", etc, the $59.95 ADSL plan should prove to be interesting - the average household can now afford broadband access. Despite the slightly increased prices for high volume users, I think Telstra has made a smart move here. The low-volume / high-speed option should lead to a rapid take-up of ADSL over the coming months. Perhaps we'll start to see some decent Australian-based broadband content.

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