Wednesday, January 23, 2002

Day Two - Breaking Boundaries

Tuesday was a huge day on the MBS Orientation program. We were introduced to some of the core services offered by the school - the McLennan Library, the Careers Services program, and the IT infrastructure. I was pleased to learn that the school will be installing a wireless network over the coming months, but for the moment I'll be carrying my network cable around with me and plugging into the network in the 'syndicate' rooms.

After lunch, it was time for some team-building fun, an afternoon of activities called Breaking Boundaries. Without trying to give too much away (after all, some of the reading audience may end up at MBS one day), Breaking Boundaries was an absolute hoot. We were broken up into about sixteen teams, and given a series of tasks in the areas of problem solving, efficiency, creativity, and effective teamwork. The day culminated in song and dance spectacular after we'd all had a few too many drinks with dinner. My team, Charcoal, finished 2nd on the day. Woo hoo!!

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